The Neutrino Jesus Part 1 (Chapter 10)
Jesus was able to perform many miracles. Walking on water, healing people, changing water into wine, but there is a thought that he was able to transform his body. The ability to transform his human physical body to a spiritual body, and then back to a physical body again. Frank Tipler, physics Professor of Tulane University wrote a book called "The Physics of Christianity". In it he states that neutrinos and antineutrinos helped de-materialized Jesus physical body and then materialized it into another body. The other body, the de-materialized one, would most likely be the etheric body or the 5th dimensional body. Tipler wrote below in his book: "I am proposing that the Son and Father Singularities guided the worlds of the multiverse to concentrate the energy of the particles constituting Jesus in our universe into the Jesus of our universe. In effect, Jesus’ dead body, lying in the tomb, would have been enveloped in a sphaleron field. This field would hav...