Pleiades Cosmic Rays Neutrino Holy Spirit Source (Chapter 11)

What is the Pleiades star cluster? And why is it so important? Pleiades is a star cluster that is about 440 million light years away from Earth. It is called "the Seven Sisters" because of its seven main stars in its cluster. 


Pleiades is mentioned in the Bible three times and it is a prominent star cluster that is mentioned throughout various different cultures and mythology. Below is a YouTube video that discusses the Pleiades and its biblical connections.

"In the clear and unpolluted night skies of antiquity the Pleiades star cluster was an object of wonder and interest. It was the subject of myth and legend in almost every culture on the planet.

The Pleiades are among the first stars mentioned in literature, appearing in Chinese annals of about 2350 BC. The earliest European references are somewhat later, in a poem by Hesiod in about 1000 BC and in Homer's Odyssey and Illiad. 

The Bible contains three direct references to the Pleiades in Job 9:9 and 38:31, and Amos 5:8, and a single indirect reference in the New Testament. This latter passage (Revelation 1:16) describes a vision of the coming of the Messiah – who holds, in his right hand, seven stars…
The etymological derivation of the name Pleiades (Πλειαδεσ) is uncertain. Robert Graves, the late English poet and writer, records in his 'The Greek Myths' (1955) that it may be derived from either the Greek 'plein' for 'to sail', or 'pleios' meaning 'many'. Another possible root is from Pindar, an early Greek poet, who named the cluster the Peleiades  – 'a flock of Doves' – and this is, perhaps, the original form.

In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope. Their parents were Atlas, a Titan who held up the sky, and the oceanid Pleione, the protectress of sailing.

As I described in Chapter 4 of my blog post before titled, "Neutrinos- The Spirit Particle" (link: neutrinos are called the "spirit" or "ghost" particle. I believe the Holy Spirit could be the neutrinos that are all around us. Almost mass less tiny particles that pass through our bodies every second. 

Neutrinos come from the Sun, supernova explosions, the black hole from the center of our galaxy, but they also come from cosmic rays. And I believe I know where these Holy Spirit neutrinos particles are coming from. They are coming from the constellation Pleiades. It is the cosmic rays from Pleiades with its neutrinos that are raining down on Earth every day. 

The picture below shows the cosmic ray source at the upper left corner of the picture with the cosmic rays raining down Earth with its neutrinos.  

One of the greatest astronomical mysteries are where do cosmic rays come from? Where is the source? In 2008, astronomers might have figured out where the cosmic rays are coming from that are bombarding Earth. The article states below:
"Last week’s announcement of a puzzling and unknown source of high energy cosmic rays bombarding the Earth is now joined by another discovery of two sources of unexpected cosmic rays from nearby regions of space. A Los Alamos National Laboratory cosmic-ray observatory has seen for the first time two distinct hot spots that appear to be bombarding Earth with an excess of cosmic rays. “These two results may be due to the same, or different, astrophysical phenomenon, said Jordan Goodman, principal investigator for the Milagro observatory, commenting on last week’s announcement by the ATIC experiment and the new discovery by his team. “However, they both suggest the presence of high-energy particle acceleration in the vicinity of the earth. Our new findings point to general locations for the localized excesses of cosmic-ray protons.” The cosmic rays appear to originate from an area in the sky near the constellation Orion.
Because Milagro was able to record so many cosmic-ray events, researchers for the first time were able to see statistical peaks in the number of cosmic-ray events originating from specific regions of the sky near the constellation Orion. The region with the highest hot spot of cosmic rays is a concentrated bulls eye above and to the right visually of Orion, near the constellation Taurus.

But the researchers cannot be sure they have precisely located the sources of the cosmic rays. “Whatever the source of the protons we observed with Milagro, their path to Earth is deflected by the magnetic field of the Milky Way so that we cannot directly tell exactly where they originate,” said Goodman."

Below is an image of the cosmic ray hot spot. "The cosmic ray hot spots were identified in the two red-colored regions near the constellation Orion. Courtesy John Pretz, LANL"

"Question: "Why is the dove often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit?"

Answer: All four Gospel accounts refer to the baptism of Jesus by John at the Jordan River (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32). Luke says, “And the Holy Spirit came down in a bodily shape, like a dove on Him.” Because the Holy Spirit is just that—spirit—He is not visible to us. On this occasion, however, the Spirit took on a visible appearance and was doubtless seen by the people. The dove is an emblem of purity and harmlessness (Matthew 10:16), and the form of the dove at Jesus’ baptism signified that the Spirit with which Jesus was endowed was one of holiness and innocence."

Remember, there are seven stars in Pleiades. And the Pleiades star cluster is associated with doves or the Holy Spirit. And shown above, there are seven rays coming from the dove. By why seven? It is because the Holy Spirit is associated with the number seven. 

The Holy Spirit gives us seven gifts. 1) Wisdom 2) Understanding 3) Right Judgement or Counsel 4) Courage or Fortitude 5) Knowledge 6) Reverence or Piety and 7) Wonder & Awe or Fear of God

It was described in the bible in the chapter of Isiah 11 about the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit associated with the Tree of Jesse. The Tree of Jesse has to do with the lineage or family tree of Jesus.
"The Jesse Tree represents the family tree, or genealogy of Jesus Christ beginning with creation and continuing through the Old Testament, to the coming of the Messiah"

Isaiah 11 (NKJV)

The Reign of Jesse’s Offspring

11 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LorD

We see below a painting of the Tree of Jesse made around 1125-1150 AD with seven doves. "The British Library owns the Siegburg Lectionary that was apparently made at the Benedictine abbey of St. Michael at Siegburg in the diocese of Cologne (Harley 2889). It was made about 1125-1150 and contains a curious Jesse Tree with an enshrouded Jesse in a coffin. From Jesse is growing a white tree with seven doves in roundels. (Harley 2889 f.4r) At one time the gifts of the Holy Spirit were written on the margins but the lettering is now very worn."

We can conclude the Holy Spirit (dove) neutrinos coming from the cosmic ray source of the Pleiades seven star cluster (flock of doves) with its seven cosmic rays.
"In Christian iconography, the dove is sometimes shown with seven rays emanating from her, which further connects her to the Goddess, specifically to the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, whose name in Greek meant “a flock of doves.

There is an esoteric or occult aspect to the seven rays. Stated below: 

"The seven rays is an occult concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies, since at least the 6th century BCE, of the Aryan peoples in both Western culture and in India. In the west, it can be seen in early western mystery traditions such as Gnosticism and the Roman Mithraic Mysteries; and in texts and iconic art of the Catholic Church as early as the Byzantine era.
In early Christian iconography, the dove of the Holy Ghost is often shown with an emanation of seven rays, as is the image of the Madonna, often in conjunction with a dove or doves.[1][21] The Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai, circa 565 CE, shows the Transfiguration of Christ in the apse mosaic, with "seven rays of light shining from the luminous body of Christ over the apostles Peter, James and John."[4] In the present day Byzantine-style St. Louis Cathedral in Missouri, the center of the sanctuary has an engraved circle with many symbols of the Holy Trinity. The inscription reads: "Radiating from this symbol are seven rays of light representing the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost."

There is also an amazing painting done by one of the greatest painting artists of all time. His name was Jan Van Eyck and his work from the 1400s is still looked at in awe. Below is a portrait of Jan Van Eyck done by himself. 

The oil painting done by him around 1434-1436 AD is called "The Annunciation." It depicts the scene of when Archangel Gabriel comes to Virgin Mary and announces she will conceive and become the mother of Jesus. This is thought to be the time that Virgin Mary was impregnated by the seed via the Holy Spirit to give birth to Jesus. The painting also shows the seven rays. We see below the seven rays with the dove illuminating down from the window onto the Virgin Mary.

Luke 1 (NIV)

The Birth of Jesus Foretold

26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.

34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?

35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called[b] the Son of God. 3

Described below about "The Annunciation" painting done by Van Eyck:

"The Annunciation is an oil painting by Early Netherlandish master Jan van Eyck, from around 1434-1436. The picture depicts the Annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she will bear the Son of God (Luke 1:26-38). In a prominent element of the complex iconographic work, the Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit descend to her on seven rays of light from the upper window to the left, with the dove symbolising the Holy Spirit following the same path.[22] The seven rays on which the doves descend are unique elements in the painting in that they are of the heavenly realm rather than the earthly realm, with the difference shown by the artist through the use of gold leaf rather than ordinary oil paint. Only the seven rays are so treated, and while all of the other light sources in the painting cast shadows, the seven rays do not."

Below is a YouTube video that describes the amazing Van Eyck's "The Annunciation" painting. 

You have to wonder, Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost neutrino particles coming from the cosmic ray source (seven rays) of the Pleiades star cluster with its seven stars impregnating the Virgin Mary via the Holy Spirit to give birth to the Jesus? My next blog chapter will describe more how Jesus is connected with Pleiades.


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